Speak with Animals 5e Complete Guide

Speak with Animals is a spell that allows the caster to communicate with creatures of the animal kingdom in DnD 5e. It enables the caster to understand and be understood by animals, facilitating a form of verbal communication.

This spell can be quite useful for gathering information, seeking assistance from animals, or simply understanding the intentions and needs of the animal world. When the spell is cast, the caster gains the ability to comprehend and interpret the spoken or vocalized sounds of animals.

This understanding extends to a wide range of creatures, from domesticated animals to wild beasts and even magical or fantastical creatures with animalistic traits.

The spell allows the caster to establish a temporary telepathic link with the targeted animal, enabling mutual exchange of thoughts, desires, and basic concepts.

Spell Level and Casting Time

Speak with Animals is typically a 1st-level spell in most magical systems in DnD 5e. As for the casting time, it usually requires an action to cast, allowing the caster to communicate with animals almost instantly.


The range of the Speak with Animals spell is typically self, meaning the caster is the point of origin for the spell’s effects. However, there may be variations in certain magical systems where the range could be extended to a specific distance.


The components required to cast the spell generally include verbal and somatic components. The caster needs to speak specific incantations or words and perform certain gestures or motions to properly cast the spell.

Some variations of the spell may also require material components, such as a small amount of food favored by animals.


The duration of the Speak with Animals spell can vary depending on the caster’s proficiency and the version of the spell being used. Typically, it lasts for a limited duration, ranging from minutes to hours.

However, the caster must maintain concentration during that time to sustain the telepathic link with the animals.

Spell Mechanics

When Speak with Animals is cast in DnD 5e, the spell enables the caster to understand and be understood by animals. It establishes a temporary telepathic connection with the targeted animal, allowing for the exchange of thoughts, desires, and basic concepts.

The spell’s mechanics involve the caster perceiving the vocalizations or sounds made by animals as if they were spoken language.

The caster gains the ability to interpret and comprehend these animal communications, regardless of the specific language or means of communication used by the animals.

The animals themselves do not gain any additional knowledge or abilities through the spell. They remain true to their instincts and natural behavior. The spell simply grants the caster the ability to communicate with them effectively, bridging the gap between different species.

Classes Use Speak with Animal 5e

Speak with Animals is a spell that can be accessed by certain classes in DnD 5e. While the availability may vary depending on the campaign setting and house rules, here are some of the classes and races that commonly have access to this spell:


Druids are deeply connected to nature and possess a strong affinity for animals. They have access to a wide range of spells that allow them to communicate with and understand the animal kingdom, including Speak with Animals.


Rangers are skilled in wilderness survival and have a deep understanding of the natural world. They can develop a bond with animals and have the ability to communicate with them through spells like Speak with Animals.


Bards have a versatile spellcasting ability that allows them to tap into various forms of magic, including communication with animals. They can use spells like Speak with Animals to charm and converse with animals using their musical talents.

Circle of the Shepherd Druids

Classes Use Speak with Animal 5e

This druid subclass, found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, focuses specifically on enhancing their bond with animals. They have access to spells like Speak with Animals to deepen their connection and understanding of the animal kingdom.

Races that can use the spell

Here are some of the races in DnD 5e that have abilities or traits that allow them to use the spell Speak with Animals:


Firbolgs have a racial trait called Hidden Step, which allows them to turn invisible briefly. Additionally, they have the innate ability to communicate with small or smaller beasts, which includes the spell-like effect of Speak with Animals.

Forest Gnomes

Forest gnomes have a racial trait called Speak with Small Beasts, which allows them to communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts. While not exactly the same as the spell Speak with Animals, it enables them to understand and convey basic messages to smaller creatures.


Kenkus have a racial trait called Mimicry, which allows them to perfectly mimic sounds and voices they have heard. This trait also enables them to communicate with birds, as they can understand and mimic avian languages effectively.


Lizardfolk have a racial trait called Cunning Artisan, which allows them to create simple weapons and shields from the remains of slain creatures. Additionally, they have the ability to communicate with lizards and other reptiles, similar to the effects of Speak with Animals.

Yuan-ti Purebloods

Yuan-ti Purebloods have a racial trait called Serpent’s Tongue, which grants them a proficiency in Deception and Persuasion skills. Additionally, they can communicate with snakes and serpents as if using the spell Speak with Animals in DnD 5e.

Preparing to Communicate

When preparing to communicate with animals using spells like Speak with Animals, there are certain character builds that are better suited for this task. Classes such as druids, rangers, or characters with a strong affinity for nature and animals are often ideal choices.

These classes typically have abilities, spells, or features that enhance their connection with the natural world and make them more attuned to animal communication.

Components for Animal Communication

To effectively communicate with animals, there are a few essential components you may consider:

Respect and Patience: Approach animals with respect and patience, acknowledging their autonomy and individuality. Building trust and rapport is crucial for successful communication.

Non-threatening Body Language: Animals may be wary of humans, so adopting non-threatening body language can help put them at ease. Avoid sudden movements or aggressive postures that may intimidate them.

Observation Skills: Pay close attention to an animal’s behavior, body language, and vocalizations. Understanding their cues and responses can enhance your ability to communicate effectively.

Empathy and Understanding: Try to put yourself in the animal’s perspective and understand their needs, desires, and motivations. This empathetic approach can foster a deeper connection and mutual understanding.

Preparing Spells and Abilities

If you have access to the Speak with Animals spell or similar abilities, consider the following when preparing:

Spell Selection: Ensure you have the Speak with Animals spell prepared if you are a spellcaster. This spell will grant you the ability to communicate with animals effectively.

Other spells or abilities that enhance animal communication or empathy can also be beneficial.

Enhancing Abilities: Some classes or character builds have features or abilities that enhance animal communication. Familiarize yourself with these abilities and ensure they are prepared or available for use.

Concentration: Since maintaining concentration is necessary to sustain the telepathic link with animals, ensure you have the necessary focus and mental fortitude to uphold this concentration during the conversation.

Relevance to Environment: Consider the specific environment you will be in and the types of animals you are likely to encounter. Prepare spells or abilities that are relevant to the specific animals or situations you expect to encounter.

Overcoming Language Barriers

Animals have their own languages, which can vary depending on the species. While Speak with Animals provides a means of basic communication in DnD 5e.

it’s important to understand the nuances of animal languages to overcome language barriers effectively.

Common Animal Languages

Sylvan: This language is associated with creatures of the Fey and woodland realms. It’s often understood by forest creatures such as deer, squirrels, and owls.

Draconic: Dragons and creatures related to the dragon kind communicate in Draconic. This language can be useful when dealing with dragon-like beings or reptilian creatures.

Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran: These elemental languages are spoken by creatures tied to specific elemental planes, such as air, water, fire, and earth respectively.

Certain elemental creatures, like birds or creatures of the sea, may understand and communicate in these languages.

Learning Animal Languages

Decoding and learning animal languages require observation, study, and practice. Here are some ways to overcome language barriers:

Observation: Pay attention to the sounds, body language, and behavior of animals. Observe their patterns of communication and attempt to understand their gestures, calls, or non-verbal cues.

Research and Study: Consult books, guides, or knowledgeable NPCs within the game world to learn about specific animal languages. These resources may provide insights into grammar, vocabulary, and common phrases used by certain species.

Interactions and Immersion: Engage in interactions with animals and immerse yourself in their natural habitats. Spend time observing and attempting to mimic their sounds or movements. This hands-on approach can help you develop a better understanding of their languages.

Language Proficiencies

Language proficiencies and skill checks can play a role in overcoming language barriers when communicating with animals. Here’s how they can be utilized:

Overcoming Language Barriers

Language Proficiencies

Certain character races or backgrounds grant language proficiencies. If you possess a relevant language proficiency, it can help you understand animal languages more easily or allow you to communicate directly without relying solely on spells like Speak with Animals.

Skill Checks

Depending on the situation, the Dungeon Master may call for skill checks to determine the success of your attempts to communicate with animals. Animal Handling and Insight are common skills that can be used to interpret animal behavior or establish a connection.

By combining your knowledge of animal languages, keen observation skills, and utilizing language proficiencies or skill checks, you can effectively overcome language barriers when communicating with animals in your D&D adventures.

Unique Ways to Use Spell

Speak with Animals in DnD 5e can be a versatile spell, offering several unique ways to utilize its abilities. Here are a few examples:

Gathering Information

Speak with Animals can be invaluable for gathering information from creatures that inhabit a specific area. By conversing with animals like birds, rodents, or forest dwellers, characters can learn about hidden paths, nearby dangers, or the presence of other creatures.

Animal Companions and Allies

The spell can help forge alliances with animals, potentially turning them into valuable companions or allies. Characters can negotiate tasks, seek assistance, or gain the loyalty of animal creatures to aid them in their quests or protect specific locations.

Tracking and Locating

Speak with Animals can assist in tracking or locating specific targets. Animals possess keen senses and knowledge of their surroundings. By communicating with them, characters can gain insights into the recent movements or whereabouts of creatures or individuals.

Animal Witnesses

Animals often witness events unnoticed and can provide valuable information about what they’ve observed. Speak with Animals allows characters to question animals as potential witnesses to crimes, suspicious activities, or events that occurred in their vicinity.

Animal Empathy and Mediation

The spell can help characters mediate conflicts between humans and animals or resolve disputes among different animal factions. By understanding the concerns and needs of the animals involved, characters can act as mediators and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Nature’s Messenger

Speak with Animals enables characters to serve as messengers between humans and animals in DnD 5e. They can deliver messages, requests, or warnings from one party to the other, fostering understanding and cooperation between the two groups.

Uncovering Secrets

Animals often have access to hidden areas or possess knowledge about hidden treasures or magical locations. By communicating with animals, characters can unravel the mysteries of ancient ruins, locate hidden passages, or obtain clues about coveted items.

Emotional Support and Soothing

Animals can provide emotional support and comfort to characters or others in distress. Speak with Animals allows characters to understand and respond to the emotional needs of animals, potentially calming them or gaining their trust.

Applications of Animal Communication

Animal communication, whether through spells, abilities, or other means, offers various practical applications in different scenarios. Here are some common applications of animal communication:

Gathering Information

Animals are often keen observers of their surroundings. By communicating with them, characters can gather valuable information about their environment, such as the presence of nearby threats, hidden paths, or sources of food and water.

Animals can provide insights that might be missed by human or humanoid characters.

Tracking and Scouting

Animals possess heightened senses and tracking abilities. Characters can enlist their help in tracking targets, locating missing persons, or identifying the direction of travel.

Applications of Animal Communication

Animals like dogs, birds, or even insects can aid in reconnaissance, providing valuable information about the terrain and the movements of other creatures.

Alarm and Security

Animals can act as natural sentinels, alerting characters to the presence of intruders or danger.

By establishing a means of communication, characters can rely on animal allies to raise alarms or provide early warnings, helping to safeguard their surroundings or warn of approaching enemies.

Finding Hidden Objects or Treasures

Animals’ instinctual behaviors and knowledge of their environment can assist characters in locating hidden objects, concealed entrances, or buried treasures.

By communicating with animals, characters can seek their guidance or employ their keen senses to uncover secrets that would otherwise remain hidden.

Diplomacy and Negotiation

Animal communication can facilitate diplomacy between humanoid characters and creatures of the animal kingdom.

By understanding the needs and desires of animals, characters can negotiate mutually beneficial agreements, seek assistance, or mediate conflicts between factions or groups of animals.

Animal Companions and Familiars

Establishing communication with animals allows characters to develop strong bonds and potentially recruit animal companions or familiars.

These animal allies can provide assistance in combat, aid in exploration, or offer specialized skills or senses that complement the character’s abilities.

Healing and Comfort

Animals have a soothing presence and can provide emotional support. Characters skilled in animal communication can offer comfort and healing to injured or distressed animals, fostering a sense of trust and connection.

This can be particularly useful in calming frightened or agitated animals.

Items Enhancing Communication

In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, there are various magic items that can enhance animal communication, allowing characters to delve deeper into their interactions with the animal kingdom. Here are a few examples:

Amulet of Animal Friendship: This amulet grants an advantage on Charisma (Animal Handling) checks and allows the wearer to cast the spell Animal Friendship once per day, enabling them to establish rapport and influence the behavior of animals.

A collar of the Beast: This enchanted collar enhances the bond between a character and their animal companion. It grants the wearer the ability to communicate telepathically with their companion, enabling seamless and direct communication.

Circlet of Speaking with Animals: This circlet bestows the ability to cast the Speak with Animals spell at will, allowing the wearer to effortlessly converse with creatures of the animal kingdom.

Legendary Artifacts for Unparalleled Communication

Legendary artifacts in the world of D&D possess immense power and can grant unparalleled communication abilities. Here are a couple of examples:

The Beastheart Amulet

This ancient artifact is said to contain the essence of nature itself. When worn, it allows the user to understand and speak all languages of beasts and animals, transcending language barriers and facilitating communication on a profound level.

The Tome of the Wilds

This legendary tome holds the accumulated knowledge of the natural world. By studying its pages and mastering its secrets, the reader gains the ability to communicate with all creatures, not just animals.

This includes understanding the languages of fey, elementals, and other mystical beings.

Side Effects and Risks of Powerful Items

It’s important to note that powerful magic items and artifacts often come with side effects and risks. Here are a few considerations:

Limited Charges or Duration: Some items that enhance animal communication have limited charges or a duration. It’s crucial to manage their usage carefully and make the most of the opportunities they provide.

Animal Magnetism: Wearing certain powerful items may attract the attention of aggressive or territorial creatures. Characters should be prepared to handle potential conflicts that arise from heightened animal interest or aggression.

Unintended Consequences: The use of powerful magic items can have unintended consequences or impact the balance of nature. Characters should be mindful of the potential repercussions and strive to maintain a harmonious relationship with the natural world.

Alignment and Ethical Considerations: Characters should consider the ethical implications of using powerful items to control or manipulate animals.

Respecting the autonomy and well-being of creatures is essential to maintaining a balanced and respectful approach to animal communication.

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